Friday, November 5, 2010

Remember Remember the 5th of November

This is what it feels like to be a girl left out.
This is what if feels like to thump up 4 flights, to meet friends going down, on their way.
This is what it feels like to miss out on a movie you've always wanted to see because of a job.
A job you love, don't get me wrong, but a Friday night job that leaves you stranded behind a desk.
That leaves you either watching episodes of Glee or Project Runway or Survivor.
Or doing homework, but only sometimes.
This is what it feels like to see the boy you like walking in as you walk out.
To wonder if he wonders if you're the kind of girl who doesn't like movies (you're not).
If you're the kind of girl who doesn't like the rush of excitement, the plush-but-uncomfortable seats, the dimming of lights.
If you're the kind of girl who's left out.
But you do, and you're not.
Except for tonight, when you are left out because the movie starts at 9, and you work at 9:50.
You are the kind of girl who can't stand to see only bits and pieces of movies at a time.
It's all or nothing with you.
This is what it feels like to thump up to a dark dorm room, to sit down at a computer (alone), and to type a semi-poem about what if feels like to be left out.
This is Friday night.
Remember Remember the 5th of November.
This is what it feels like to be left out.

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