No, I haven't finished the application yet. It requires a surprising amount of running from campus office to campus office searching for information. It requires a 1000 word essay on the topic of "My Life Story." Now, I'm not one to shirk when it comes to writing about myself, but this topic has me stumped. I haven't decided what the tone of the thing should be, nor how much detail I should include. Also, I wonder if I can skip over writing about middle school? Those were dark days.
Anyway, what I've really been thinking about is how I'm finally ready to go. I absolutely love being on campus (and being in America, for that matter), and I know it'll be hard to leave when the time comes, but I'm ready for the next step. I'm ready for a change.
It seems like every time I close my eyes nowadays, I picture myself strolling the streets of Salzburg with a friend I haven't met yet. I picture myself ordering spinach (not noodles!) IN GERMAN at some restaurant I don't know the name of yet. And yes, I picture myself spinning, arms outstretched, on top of a beautiful mountain. Julie Andrews style.
Just think: in about 6 months, I could very well be here:

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