Monday, June 13, 2011

Lay Mizz

Some midnight thoughts from page 48 of Les Miserables:

1. How does one put the slash above the e?
2. This book is messing with my summer reading. I am officially 11 books behind last year's count.
3. Do I really have to look up these French Revolution references? I don't wanna.
4. Is it legal for me to read another book on the side? Will said side read cause me to put away Les Mis, possible forever?
5. How in the world is this the abridged edition? It's 800+ pages long! Pleasehigherpowersdon'tsmitemeforreadingabridgedIswearIdidn'tknowwhenIboughtit.
6. So far, when people have asked me what I'm reading, I've said, "Les Mis" (pronounced Lay Mizz). This abbreviation stems from my lack of confidence in my French pronunciation. I hope no one's on to me.

Goodnight from page 49.

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