Monday, January 11, 2010

A Bit of a Story

I began writing this about a week ago, and then got tired of it and decided it wasn't going anywhere. It's kind of a fun story, however, so I thought I'd post it. Here you go:

There came a time in my life when I had told so many lies that I didn’t know where my real life ended and my made-up life began. These two lives of mine were not interwoven; they overlapped like two thick pieces of paper. You could not see through one to the markings on the other.
Slowly, I felt myself separate. I spent a day cleaning out my fossilized closet, and that same day I had tea in the city with four beautiful friends. I wore pearls; I hated to show off, but my father had given them to me for my birthday a week before, and it was my first occasion to wear them.
As the pile inside of the closet shrunk and the pile outside of the closet grew, I remembered the pearls I had seen in the window of Macy’s. I had stared at them longingly, forgetting my rain-matted hair and puddle-splashed beagle for a few seconds. My cell phone rang. It was
It was my niece in London. Her husband Mick, who worked for a prominent recording studio there, had just met with Paul McCartney. Apparently they shared the same ambition to save the baby seals. Paul was having lunch with them in the garden next Thursday. Could I please take time out of my busy schedule to help host? And could I bring my Sgt. Pepper’s album? Of course I could, though I would have to unearth the album from a pile of
Moth-eaten teddy bears. I shook the dust off each one as I picked it up, clutching it gently by its furry paws. I could still name all of them, and I did, tapping them on the nose methodically as if they were steel drums and I was the Jamaican with dreadlocks. The dreads were a bit itchy, but they did provide a nice weight on my shoulders
Ache from sitting on the plane so long. First class just isn’t what it used to be. Luckily, the man next to me (who bore a striking resemblence to Jude Law) let me rest my head against his neck. It wasn’t comfortable as a pillow, but smelled a lot
Like the tuna cassorole I had unthinkingly left in the oven while I was cleaning.

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