Thursday, April 1, 2010

Read-A-Thon Results

Well, the read-a-thon I began with a friend of mine on April 1st, 2009 is officially over. Want to know the results?
In a year, I read 81 books, or 22,584 pages.
My friend won by 5 books, but frankly I'm not especially upset about losing. This has been an action-packed year for me, and I'm happy that I managed to squeeze in a substantial amount of reading.
I do wish, however, that I had started keeping track of the books I read years ago; I wonder what the numbers would have been when I was 15 or so? I would guess in the 100's somewhere.
I used to just be able to swallow books whole; usually one a day. Now I nibble at them page by page, often having to flip back and reread sections I've forgotten.

Here's a bit of wisdom I'll drop at your feet before I leave:
"The world is a vacuum to those who don't know their own minds."

1 comment:

Amelia said...

This is awesome. I've never kept track of all the books I've read and the page count. Still, I think it's so awesome how you do keep track. It's good that you don't feel bad about losing. The way I see it, you have WAY more time in high school to read, so it's not really your fault that you lost. Anyways, congrats on making the effort!! :D