Friday, November 13, 2009


If you are one of those people who likes titles to be explained, here's the explanation for mine:
In middle school the word 'thorough' was a word we had to know for a spelling test. I don't remember if I spelled it correctly or not on the test, but I've since become rather fond of/fascinated with the word.


1. Sierra needs to turn down her music. I don't know if she's hard of hearing or what, but when you can hear the bass resonating throughout the dorm, the music is too loud. Furthermore (yes, I'm still going), I would not mind my bleeding ears were it not for the fact that she has never struck me as a very friendly person.

2. When you are in your intro. to literature class and a student calls the main character in "The Necklace" a 'greedy bitch,' and the professor agrees, then you know life is good.

3 . I have to wake up at 3:30 a.m. tomorrow for a College Bowl meet at Carleton. While I am in no way a morning person, getting up so extremely early should be fairly interesting. Plus, I can sleep during the drive down.

4. I should get going on my research paper for College Writing. I chose to write about "A Clockwork Orange" and how the use of Nadsat (the crazy Russian slang language) serves to make the entire novel more sinister rather than to muffle the violent acts taking place within it. We'll see how it goes.

5. I was in the library the other day and I almost cried because I happened to walk through the fiction section. Why the almost-tears? Because I couldn't check out one book; I already have too much reading to do for my classes.

6. The fetuses the conservative Republicans spray painted all over campus actually look more like turkey vultures than unborn babies. Coincidence?

7. It's Friday the thirteenth. I'm waiting for something creepy to happen. And no, the mysterious lunch menu at Food Service doesn't count.

8. I should really get to class.


Amelia said...

Holly, I love reading your posts. You make everything in life sound so much more interesting than it seems. :)

Holly said...

lol thanks Amelia! I haven't written in such a long time. I really should keep up with things better :)