It's been a good few weeks since I last blogged. And by 'good few weeks' I don't only mean the time period, but the good quality of the time period. That's right; college is still amazing. That's right; I did just use a semicolon (thanks, College Writing). Here's what's been going down since last I wrote:
1. I made MCSA (UMM's version of student council). To run, I had to submit a petition of reason to the school paper stating why I should be elected. And I got voted in! We had a meeting on Sunday, which I was a bit nervous about because all the upperclassman members were there as well as the new members. It was fine though; what a nice group! I'm just really excited to be part of it! I was in student council in middle school, but didn't even run in high school since I was new to the district and didn't think I'd make it.
2. I've been writing weekly articles for to University Register, which evidently makes me a staff writer. I've also been lucky enough to have my articles on the front page for every issue. This, however, may have more to do with the topic of my articles than the quality of my writing, though I hope it takes both into consideration.
3. I've made a lot of new friends. Pine Hall, my dorm, is the smallest underclassman hall on campus-only 80 people total, so we all know each other pretty well. We're currently working on making a movie entitled Pirates of the Caribbean, the Musical, for the annual UMM film festival. Ship scenes will be filmed in the pool.
I guess that's all I have to say for now. I've been so madly busy that it's hard to find time to sleep, let alone blog. Naps have become my best friend.