Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Not Going to Talk About Thanksgiving

Not that it wasn't sensational and relaxing and delicious. It certainly was. But last year I wrote a really long description of Thanksgiving at my house, and I'm not sure I'm up to doing it again. Feel free to look back if you wish.

I suppose right now I'm into talking about fairly negative things. I was in a really good mood earlier today, and now it's ruined and I'm very upset about it all. Wow these sentences are wonderful. Really, they are. Who needs compounds? It's better to write like a ten-year-old. Yippee!

Alright, sorry. Enough sarcasm.

Things I hate:
1. Good days turning bad
2. Boring essay assignments
3. When it's hot in my room
4. Sleep deprivation
5. Clumsy moments
6. Posters that fall down once a week
7. Wanting to make someone laugh so badly that you try too hard and end up sounding idiotic
8. One-sided conversations
9. Headaches
10. Misunderstandings

I sincerely apologize for this depressing list, and I hope that I'm not bringing you down as well. I'm honestly usually a fairly opimistic person, but everyone has their days, I guess.

Okay this is really poor writing so I'll just quit while I'm behind.

See you later.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'

This weekend has given me hope for the future. After a rather stressful week, I needed a relaxing, fun couple of days. And I certainly got them.

1. Got told by a couple of guys that Jesus loves me. They weren't being sarcastic, either. That made me feel pretty darn good. Sometimes you just need someone to say it aloud to you.
2. Pizza Ranch for dinner. We just couldn't take one more food service meal. The mashed potatoes alone at P.R. may have made up for a week of bad cafeteria 'food.'
3. Went to see State Fair at Morris High School. It really wasn't very good, but certainly entertaining, and the kids had a lot of heart. Plus, it was nice to be back in a high school again.

1. Slept until 2:30 p.m.
2. Saw Post Comedy Theater, a one-man physical comedy act. Robert Post did a wonderful job and is very talented. However, I didn't laugh until I cried, which was a bit of a let-down.
3. Played Catch Phrase and Disney Seen It with Ben, Maddie, King, and Tim.

1. Woke up early and went to Church. It was nice to attend a Catholic Mass again; I've really missed it. Plus, the choir from UMM was there, so the music was absolutely beautiful.
2. Went to the UMM Concert Choir Concert. I'm so glad I went! I almost think that I would rather watch a choir perform than watch a band perform. Either way, they were amazing.
3. Dodgeball game at 8:15 tonight, and then who knows?

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I think I can:
a) finish the five page argumentative research essay on "A Clockwork Orange" that I've undertaken to write in one day.
b) study for my Intro. to Literature quiz afterwards.
c) take a shower without falling asleep and drowning.
d) not go on facebook for the rest of the night.
e) get through tomorrow.

I know I can:
a) enjoy the weekend.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It happens to all of us.
There you sit. Your feet are firmly on the floor, your back is straight, your fingers arched gracefully above the keyboard. But nothing is happening, really. So here comes Facebook, MLIA, YouTube, BBC. Homework can wait a few hours, or at least until desperation sets in.

What am I currently procrastinating on?
Writing an article for the University Register. It's going to be about the aftermath of the Fort Hood shootings, which is actually a fairly interesting topic, but I just don't feel like writing at the moment. It doesn't help that I started rereading Gone With The Wind a few days ago, and am now having trouble putting it down.
My deadline is tomorrow at noon, so I do have time, I suppose.

What else is going on?
5:30 p.m. My dorm floor is having a pizza party/meeting
7:00 p.m. College Bowl meeting
9:13 p.m. Community Council meeting
10:00 p.m. Pirates of the Caribbean, the Musical meeting

Bed will hopefully follow shortly after Pirates.

Hmm what else?
I memorized an Emily Dickinson poem the other night. Memorizing poetry is something that is strangely easy for me. My grandpa gave me his book of poetry shortly before he died, and every so often I take it out and learn a poem or two. It usually only takes me about fifteen minutes, depending on the length of the poem. Anyway, here's the Emily Dickinson. It's short, but quite powerful, I think:

Not in Vain
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

Friday, November 13, 2009


If you are one of those people who likes titles to be explained, here's the explanation for mine:
In middle school the word 'thorough' was a word we had to know for a spelling test. I don't remember if I spelled it correctly or not on the test, but I've since become rather fond of/fascinated with the word.


1. Sierra needs to turn down her music. I don't know if she's hard of hearing or what, but when you can hear the bass resonating throughout the dorm, the music is too loud. Furthermore (yes, I'm still going), I would not mind my bleeding ears were it not for the fact that she has never struck me as a very friendly person.

2. When you are in your intro. to literature class and a student calls the main character in "The Necklace" a 'greedy bitch,' and the professor agrees, then you know life is good.

3 . I have to wake up at 3:30 a.m. tomorrow for a College Bowl meet at Carleton. While I am in no way a morning person, getting up so extremely early should be fairly interesting. Plus, I can sleep during the drive down.

4. I should get going on my research paper for College Writing. I chose to write about "A Clockwork Orange" and how the use of Nadsat (the crazy Russian slang language) serves to make the entire novel more sinister rather than to muffle the violent acts taking place within it. We'll see how it goes.

5. I was in the library the other day and I almost cried because I happened to walk through the fiction section. Why the almost-tears? Because I couldn't check out one book; I already have too much reading to do for my classes.

6. The fetuses the conservative Republicans spray painted all over campus actually look more like turkey vultures than unborn babies. Coincidence?

7. It's Friday the thirteenth. I'm waiting for something creepy to happen. And no, the mysterious lunch menu at Food Service doesn't count.

8. I should really get to class.