Thursday, September 25, 2008

My neck is sore. How's yours? (A brief soliliquy)

My neck is sore. How's yours?
It's all because my tenor sax
Is suspended from my neck
(Insert biblical allusion here),
Golden and ominous

We had marching band practice today. Not the three hour nightmare promised, but a rather more relenting two-and-a-half.

I will now wrap this up, because:
a. I need to do homework, and
b. My neck is sore (I haven't mentioned that, have I?)

Things you should know about me:
-My favorite Disney movie of all time is Robin Hood
-I love the monarchy. A lot.
-I'm left-handed

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I sorta know what you mean about neck being sore, but as a flutiest, it's my arms that are killing me... I can't wait for the four hour practice next week!!! *sarcasm* :)