Sunday, July 18, 2010

Book Buying Money Spending Adventures

As of today I officially have less than a month left of summer left before school starts. Incredible, isn't it? My reactions to this realization have been varied, and range from "Yes!!! School!!!!" to "Holy cow I have so many books I want to get through before going back!" to "I'm going to miss working at Target" to "Wow I have some serious back-to-school shopping to do."

The aforementioned back-to-school shopping begins now, actually. I'm about to hit to buy my books.
Now, for anyone who is heading off to college for the first time this fall, or even for anyone who has been in college for a while and hasn't yet tried ordering books online, I would highly recommend it.
Not only because you save A TON of money (last semester I saved upwards of $200 buying my books off Amazon) by using an alternative to the famously expensive College Bookstore, but you avoid the long lines, the sometimes sold-out shelves, and the general stress of attempting to buy books the day before classes start. In my opinion (although I am, admittedly, a bit of a nerd), it's also fun to be able to page through your books ahead of time. And getting mail is always great, right?

Despite my obvious excitement over this whole book-buying undertaking, I have to say that it is difficult for me to spend so much of my hard earned working-early-Target-shifts money in just one evening. I do have three jobs waiting for me at Morris, however, so it's certainly good to know that there is more money yet to be earned this year.

Here are said jobs (because I don't think I've told you about two of them yet)
1. Information Desk in Student Center
2. Administrative Intern in the Social Sciences Office
3. Tutor in the Writing Room of Briggs Library

Okay, I'm venturing out into Amazon now. Wish me luck!

P.S. On page 256 of Jane Eyre. Seems like it's finally getting its act together and turning into a the classic romance I've heard so much about.

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