Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Dream With Good Timing

Have to quickly record a really, really strange dream I had last night.
In the dream, I was watching a bad movie. I mean, the entire dream was literally the movie. Here's what I remember of it:
This little boy's mother was getting remarried to an awful guy, of course, and while the wedding preparations were taking place, the boy and his pet/best friend chimpanzee (in the dream I called it a chimpanzee, but it really looked more like an orangutan...) ran away to a jungle in South America.

While they were exploring the jungle, they came upon a wild platypus that was wandering around. They didn't know what it was, had never seen one before, so they decided to go up and pet it. The platypus obviously wasn't too happy about this, and was getting kind of ticked off (this was where tension rose in the movie), but the chimpanzee kept petting it anyway.

All of the sudden, the platypus struck; it turned around and bit the chimpanzee in the face, and then proceeded to start to eat him. The boy shrieked, "He's eating him!" and ran to save his friend. He somehow managed to drag the chimpanzee away and escape.

Meanwhile, back at the house, the wedding was about to take place. The boy's mother and soon-to-be-stepfather weren't too concerned about the fact that the boy was missing. That is, until they realized that they needed him to be in the wedding photographs.

Meanwhile, back in South America, the boy and the chimpanzee were resting by a waterfall, having successfully outrun the platypus. Suddenly, the platypus popped out of the water, and at the same time my alarm went off and I woke up.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Now THAT is what I call a weird dream!