Saturday, July 31, 2010


I don't really have anything in particular to say today, but I do especially want to say something because I want to hit 19 posts for the month of July. Last March I hit 19 also, which is, I believe, my all time record (one that probably won't be surpassed anytime soon).

Here are some stats for you:
Latest 'duh' moment: I'd been wondering for a while what the origin of a certain curious, drippy noise was. I only just realized that I left the sink running from when I got a drink of water about a half hour ago.

Activity: Playing Sims 2 (I always make literary families) on the Dell, and at the same time constantly checking the firstlinefiction website on my laptop to see if any results have been posted yet (they haven't).

Eyebrow condition: Red and sore looking. Unfortunately, I had to go to work today with the burns seared into my face. Also unfortunately, I read on the internet that waxing burns usually don't scar. Good Lord I don't know what I would do if these babies scarred. Wear a paper bag on my head for the rest of my life? Or maybe do a sort of reverse Phantom of the Opera; have a mask on just my forehead instead of just my cheek.

Current wrist ornament: I'm wearing those rubber band bracelets that don't look like much on, but when you take them off and lay them flat, they revert back into shapes such as peace signs and dinosaurs. They're the very latest preteen fad, and I'm happy to say that I've joined in.

Height: 5'10." Although probably about half that, since I am sitting down. Hmm...I wonder what my actual sitting down height is? Will find out some time.

Reading: *Going Bovine, by the marvelous Libba Bray. This book happened to win the Michael L. Printz Award. It also happens to be completely hilarious and wonderful. Which may be why it happened to win the Michael L. Printz Award.

Writing: Nothing. Well, this blog. And my journal. But nothing else.

Listening to: Nothing as of yet, although I did go a little crazy after work today and talked myself into buying an itunes card. Let the over-priced music buying begin!

*You know, under the facade of reading classics like Never Let Me Go, Fahrenheit 451, and Jane Eyre, I've been getting my Young Adult fiction on this summer. Maybe these side reads of mine don't sound very impressive or English-major-y to you, but I've been enjoying them immensely. Partly because I read the Y.A. authors' blogs online and think it's cool that I can get to know them a bit before reading their books, partly because the Y.A. authors are awesome and all seem to live in NYC and hang out and do awesome things together, and partly because I've always loved the Y.A. genre, and think I may want to write at least one Y.A. book someday.)

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