Have you gotten that impression yet?
Why would I ever want to leave?
Grammar and Language is being offered this fall. I want to take Grammar and Language.
A ballet version of Cinderella is coming this fall. I want to see Cinderella.
MCSA secretaries are being appointed this fall. I want to be a secretary.
Rocky Horror Picture Show is being shown (as per tradition) in Edson this fall. I want to see Rocky; this year will be my first year actually understanding what's going on.
I have friends that I'll miss.
I have family I'll miss.
I have professors I'll miss.
I have three jobs that I'll miss.
Sometimes (as you may have guessed), I don't know if I want to go away to Salzburg this fall. I know it's a great opportunity, and that I've wanted to travel my entire life, and that part of the reason I came to UMM in the first place was because they have such a good study abroad program, but still. I guess I'm a little scared. Not of Austria, but of leaving Minnesota. Is that crazy?
Julie seems to think so.

1 comment:
Julie Andrews: "I have confidence in confidence alone..." as she storms up and rings the doorbell. You can do it, Holly!
(P.S. I do realize that quoting that song is incredibly cheesy. But, hey! It fit.)
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