Monday, May 31, 2010

I Pulled Into Nazareth, I Was Feelin' About Half Past Dead

Good Evening readers! I started my last post with a salutation, and it sounded so polite that I had to do the same tonight. No rhyme intended.

My memorial weekend was phenomenal, as a matter of fact. I read about six books all the way through (though in all fairness, they were all under 250 pages, and I had previously read five of them), sat in the sun, and generally lazed around the boat and the lake and the island. I also got my first sunburn of the season; it's an unfortunate one that outlines perfectly the shirt I was wearing.

I started writing a few minutes ago. A short story, I think. That is, I hope it will develop into a full-fledged short story. I got my inspiration for it in an interesting way, actually. I was standing at the refrigerator searching for raspberries (which were, it turns out, sitting on the counter behind me), when I suddenly got that strange feeling like someone was watching me. I looked behind the refrigerator door, and peered into the dim hallway to the left of me, but of course no one was there. It wasn't an eerie feeling, really, now that I think about it. It just felt like someone was watching me the way you watch a home video; looking for the people you know and smiling at things you barely remember.

Strange, huh? Good story material, huh?

I also watched the movie Big Chill earlier today. I've been listening to the soundtrack for ages; my mom has it, and it's a great compilation of everything I like about oldies music. Anyway, I finally got around to watching the actual movie. The verdict? It was fun to watch. It felt like all of the actors really were old friends reunited. And although it got slow at times, and my favorite part was still the music, it had a realism to it that I thought was really special.

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