Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good Morning, Hank and John! It's Thursday, May 27th!

I've been reading my Mom's Oprah Magazine for years. When I first began, I would skim through it until I got to the O List; the section where Oprah selects a dozen or so items she "thinks are just great." I liked looking at the brightly colored shoes, pattered bags, and funky gadgets she chose.

Somewhere along the way, however, I stopped merely flipping through and started reading. I found myself enjoying all of the articles, whether they gave marriage advice or explained how to make the most out of a career. Even though I was a teenager reading a magazine written for grown women, I got something out of every page I read.

Now that I'm nineteen, I realize that O Magazine has made me consider the kind of person I want to be when I grow up, and how I can reflect that adult even now, though I'm still making my way through school. And while not all of the articles are relevant to me (I'm not quite worried about wrinkles or menopause), they seem to reflect the path ahead of me, and to reveal it as lined with strong women who have just as many struggles and triumphs as I have.


Amelia said...

OH MY FREAKING CHEESE. You titled this like Vlogbrothers videos!!! I LOVE THE VLOGBROTEHRS!!!

(Sorry for the seemingly pointless comment. I just thought I'd let you know how much I appreciated that.)

Zoltron'Bambi said...

o man i dont like Oprah so this post isnt that interesting to me but i am happy for you, knowing who you want to be.