Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Not Yo Granny's China

I would first like to mention that the colors of my blog are iffy right now. I'm not sure what exactly possessed me when I selected blue and white, but I assure you that I did not mean to steal your grandmother's china pattern.

Secondly, I've had a few interesting days, and while I'm not able to go into detail here in the public arena of blogging, I can safely say that the past few days were mildly shattering, slightly rainy, and all-around worth journaling about.

I think this is what I like about being a writer (if you'll allow me to call myself that): you can draw on real life experiences when you're writing. Anything that happens to you, good or bad, can be viewed as 'material.' And while maybe it's not entirely wholesome to think of life as one big, entertaining story that could possibly sell for millions in the future, it helps me a lot to see it as thus sometimes.

Thirdly, I have the first entry in "Holly's Best Ever." Here goes:

The best thing ever is drinking water straight out of the tap. Even though your mother tells you time and again not to, and even though in the back of your mind you know putting your mouth so close to the place where dirty hands, soiled dishes, and stinky sponges alike have convened is not entirely hygenic, once that water hits your gaping mouth, you feel completely and refreshingly justified.

1 comment:

Zoltron'Bambi said...

o i understand the water thing, nothings better than that feeling.