Saturday, August 14, 2010

In Which Summer Is At An End

I think that the hardest part of packing for college is that it's very difficult to know where to begin. Even if you have a massive packing list you've been adding to for about a week, and even if you have a pile of necessities (results of a Target shopping spree) littering the floor of the office, and even if you are armed with a good attitude and an itunes account full of good hype-up music, in the end it is still easy to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task before you.

You are packing your whole life, after all. Everything you need to survive until at least fall break, that is. Plus, everything you need to make a good impression on future dorm mates, and to generally keep you from going insane; awesome retro posters, non-dorky pictures of your family, a solid array of DVDs, novels you'll never have time to read, etc.

Besides packing, I've been focusing on getting through my last two days of work at Target. Stupidly, I chose to go out with a bang of exhaustion, i.e. two 4 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. shifts. These beautiful shifts will be going down today (Sunday) and tomorrow (Monday), and then I leave on Tuesday for Morris.

The reason I'm going back to school so early (I don't remember if I've mentioned this or not), is because I'm an Orientation Group Leader (OGL), and all OGL's are required to go through freshman-helping training before the actual freshman move in. I appreciate this training immensely; I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm still not sure where some of the offices are on campus, and what some of the offices are even for. A refresher will be quite welcome.

I'm sorry that I have to end here, without mentioning anything particularly interesting, but I'm just coming out of my slump, you see. I did write about a page of my firstlinefiction story earlier this evening, but it has yet to really take off. We'll see.

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