Here's what's happening in my life right now (in a convenient list-like form):
1. Chemistry test on Monday. I got an A+ on the last one (I studied really, really hard), so I hope to do as well this time. We'll see. This chapter is very long and complicated.
2. I just watched about a half hour of Fiddler on the Roof. I need to see the rest of that movie sometime. It's the perfect combination of beards, vodka, and arranged marriage.
3. I hate Mrs. Lideen right now. Absolutely loathe. In corrective advisement last week, she intentionally humiliated a student for no apparent reason. I just cannot believe that a teacher would ever do that to a student.
4. I still haven't decided on a college.
5. I'm reading twilight fanfic (sorry, Amelia).
6. I had an amazing time at the pep fest. People always complain about them, but I think they're so much fun. It's great to see all the grades in one room, and to be in the middle of all the cheering. Plus, the drumline played all the way down the hall. My ears are still ringing, but it was great.
7. Becca only laughed at my 'lumberjack shirt' once today. New record.
8. Speech tomorrow. I'm in the process of rewriting, so a bit nervous for this one.
TWILIGHT FAN FICTION??? WHAT IS THIS???? I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS, HOLLY!!! haha, it's okay. Shannon Hollanisch has caved to Twilight fan fic as well, so since I forgave her, I will forgive you. :)
Who did Ms. Lideen humiliate? I hate it when teachers do that... I don't like her AT ALL.
Ask Joe about who it was. I don't want to name any names, but it was bad. I'm so mad at her!!!
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