Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Good Year

I think that's the title of a movie, actually. No problem; I like double meanings (or double references, if you prefer).

In all seriousness, however, it has been a good year. A year of changes, for sure. I've done so many things in 2009 that I had zero experience with in previous years.
For example:

1. I had my first two real boyfriends. Both were wonderful, both ended up being just friends, and both taught me a lot.

2. I graduated high school.

3. I went off to college.

4. I began to seriously consider my writing.

5. I went to state for speech.

6. I went to New York City (my first time out East).

There are many more things that should be on this list, but I think I'll keep things moving forward.
I'm not going to write my New Year's resolutions here. I think the whole point of such resolutions is that you keep them secret, and that you are responsible for keeping yourself dedicated to fulfilling them. I will say, however, that my resolutions this year focus on growing up, mainly, and making myself into the adult I want to be.

Honestly, I intended this entry to be a bit more epic, especially considering the occasion. I'm sorry to have let you down, but I think for now I'll focus on enjoying what's left of 2009.

Happy New Year, dear bloggers. I hope it's as bright as the last one was.

1 comment:

captaintrips159 said...

The Tubist cometh, the tubist posteth