Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

Title explanation: I just really like that song and thought that it would make a neat title. It's by the Smiths, if you wondered.

Here's what's going on right now:

1. I'm sitting on my (loft) bed listening to the (500) Days of Summer soundtrack.

2. In theory, I'm writing essays for my lit. final.

3. In actuality, I'm on Facebook, playing with Play Doh, texting, and writing this blog entry.

Here's what I'm thinking about right now:

1. How much I love everyone in Pine Hall and how much I'll miss them over break. A few people finished their finals today and went home. I was perilously close to crying; I honestly hate to see them go, especially since I don't get to head home until Thursday evening. Being left behind is never fun.

2. Usually I'm so excited for Christmas, but this year I've hardly given it a thought. Probably because I've been so stressed out about finals and the end of the semester. Also because we don't have any decorations up! It's ridiculous! I should make a few snowflakes or something for our window.

3. I really should go back to my lit. essays. I want to get both done tonight.

So goodnight dear blog readers. I hope you all have amazing adventure dreams (the very best kind) tonight, and that in them you get to fly at least for a little bit.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Awww.... I didn't get to fly in my dream last night. *is depressed* Maybe I will tonight!! :)
That sucks that you're, in a way, being left behind, and it's too bad that you'll miss everyone. We're happy to have you home though. :)