Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Need No Ruby Slippers

I just need my Dad, a truck, a three and a half hour drive, and some gasoline to get me home.

Here is the master plan for my break:

1. Get in the Christmas spirit (what's wrong with me? I'm not even excited yet!)

2. READ a lot. I would like to finish Gone With the Wind (600-some pages left), and get through at least four more before break's over. I've missed reading for pleasure so much it's unreal.

3. See my friends from high school/middle school/possibly meet up with college friends

4. Write a bit if possible. After all the papers I had to write near the end of the semester, I think I need a small break from anything too formal, but journaling and poetry is always wonderful.

5. Just relax in general and enjoy being home.

P.S. I got an A on my final college writing paper (the 6-page research argumentative one that I've been working on for over a month). I practically skipped around the dorm when I got it back (sorry if this is braggy but I worked incredibly hard on it).


Amelia said...

Congrats on the A!!! That must be so exciting. :)
I can understand how much not being able to read means to you. I'm glad that you get the chance to indulge in that amazing pastime again. :)
I'm sure you'll be able to get into the Christmas spirit! Just a few days at home, and you'll be all warm and cozy and ready for an amazing time.

Amelia said...

P.S. I LOVE your title!