Monday, December 14, 2009

Holly's First Finals Week

I've heard about college finals. Evidently, they're hard. Evidently, they're cumulative. Evidently, they require days (not hours) of study. Evidently, they practically determine your grades for the semester.

Today, I'm here to tell you that all of these rumors are true.

I spent all day Saturday making flash cards for my U.S. History final. All day. I honestly didn't do anything but eat, sleep, and create flash cards with terms ranging from 1945 to 1980. The final count was 158 cards, or if you need a visual, a stack about the thickness of the latest Harry Potter book.

I spent all of Sunday studying these cards. Flash cards only really work for me if I can talk them out to myself; you know, pace around a room and explain each card over and over out loud until I know it. Finally, at about 1:45 this morning I went to bed.

The trick about the history final was that it covered such a broad range:
1. 30 pages of notes from class lectures
2. Nemesis (a book about U.S. foreign policy)
3. Coming of Age in Mississippi (an autobiography of Anne Moody, Civil Rights activist)
4. Voices of Freedom (a book filled with different letters/speeches from history)

The final itself was six short answer questions, i.e. nine random terms were given to you, and you could pick six to write short definitions about, and one broad essay question that encompassed the entire unit.

I'm happy to tell you that I thought the exam went really well. It was at 8:00 a.m., so I was tired, but I still think that I got at least an A-.

Now I just have my literature final left. It's on Thursday, so I have a few days to study. Thank goodness, because this final will be even more difficult, I think.

Going to begin studying now, and then watching Up at 7:00. I think I've earned a movie break.

1 comment:

Amelia said...