Monday, March 1, 2010


I feel like I am failing with this blog, and I really, really hate failing.
I'm not sure what exactly is giving me this feeling, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that I never know what to write anymore. It's not that I don't want to write, it's that I'm sick and tired of repeating myself.
These are the things I typically cover:
1. My daily life (things that happen, people who bug me, college is awesome, etc.)
2. Poems/quotes I like (thought the poetry era has for the most part ended (at least in my blog world))
3. Eloquent bits (aka stories, original poems I write, prose-y descriptions)
4. Lists (often paired with #1)

You see? I should not be able to make a list like this! I don't want this blog to be categorized in any way! I suppose there's nothing I can do about it now, but it's still regrettable.

Here's what's going to happen.
From now on, this blog will have more prose/creative stuff, and less journal-y stuff. I already have a journal. I already have friends to tell things to. I don't need to be repeating all of my complaints in one more medium.

I hope you're okay with this switch. Actually, I don't especially care how you feel about it because:
a) You're not even there
b) This is my blog, and
c) I'm going ahead with the changes with or without your blessing

I'm sorry if that sounded terribly rude, but I'm tired, the people in the room next to me are being incredibly loud, I have a lot of homework, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

See you on the other side.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER think you're failing with a blog. EVER!!! I know exactly how you feel, I feel that way all the time with my journal and back when I had a blog, but the beauty of blogs and journals is that they're whatever you make them to be. They're used so you can express yourself, explore new things, and find yourself. They grow and change with you. You find what style works for you and then you grow, and then you try something new, and then you grow some more. It's an ongoing process and what you come up with is never perfect, things never are what you'd like them to be. Holly, you are a FANTASTIC writer, whether it be lists or journalistic entries or anything at all, and I always love coming to your blog and reading what you have to say. Never feel discouraged, but starting something new is always good. It only helps you grow even more in your writing and as a person.
Anyways, this has been a fairly long comment, so I'm going to stop typing now. :)
P.S. I love the Gone With the Wind reference. :)